Everything You Need To Know About “All-On-4 Dental Implants” In Brisbane

Implant Dentistry

We have already familiarised you with the revolutionary smile transformation, all-on-4 dental implants. We have also discussed some important factors to consider before going for this new teeth replacement option. https://www.puredentistry.com.au/all-on-4-dental-implants/

This article will answer some of your most frequent questions about all-on-4 dental implants.

First, be with us for a quick review.

All-On-4 Dental Implants

Permanent Solution To Replace Missing Teeth

For several years, removable acrylic dentures seemed the only choice available for many patients who had lost their teeth and wanted to improve their oral health and smile.

While patients were initially excited to have their beautiful smile back, the challenges that these removable dentures caused made them tired and sick of them.

The advent of implants was great news to these patients. But again, dental professionals could not perform the traditional dental implants for some patients due to having some underlying health conditions.

A Revolutionary Approach To Restore Your Smile

Your dentist in Brisbane can offer you a new smile by replacing your missing teeth with a set of new teeth by applying a revolutionary approach, referred to as all-on-4 dental implants.

All on 4 or implant-supported denture is one of the best treatment options for those who have lost some or all teeth due to periodontal disease or gum disease.

Gum disease or Periodontal disease is a serious oral health concern causing the infection and inflammation of your gums. In severe cases, the condition can cause bone loss and tooth loss.

A Full-Arch Restoration

During all-on-4 dental implant procedures, your teeth in the upper or/and lower jaw will be replaced with four dental implants.

AO4 Dental Implants in Brisbane

Where Do These 4 Implants Go?

The surgeon will place two dental implants in the front of your upper or lower arch, tilt the other two at 45 degrees angle, and place them in the back of the arch.

How Many Teeth Are In All-On-4 Dental Implant?

These four implants will be surgically inserted into your jawbone to support an entire row of a fixed set of teeth, typically containing 10 to 14 teeth.

Where Do These 4 Implants Go?

The surgeon will place two dental implants in the front of your upper or lower arch, tilt the other two at 45 degrees angle, and place them in the back of the arch.

How Long Does All-On-4 Implant Surgery Take?

Because all-on-four implants typically do not require the costly and time-consuming bone grafting procedure, it won’t take long.

The duration of the procedure varies from patient to patient.

Generally speaking, the surgery may take anywhere from 2/5 to 4 hours per arch.

By the way, no bone grafting will also mean a faster healing process compared to conventional implants.

Does AO4 Procedure Hurt?

Patients will usually get nervous by imagining the pain they are about to tolerate during all-on-4 dental implant surgery. However, you can rest assured that you will experience a calm and pain-free procedure in our dental clinic, Pure Dentistry.

Sometimes how experienced and qualified a dentist is can determine the amount of pain or pressure patients will experience during dental treatment. Our dental professionals in Brisbane perform this tooth replacement procedure under local anesthetics to minimise any pain and discomfort.

If you are too scared or nervous to undergo surgery, you can ask the dentist if they offer iv sedation or general anaesthesia.

A Lifelong Investment

Remember, you are improving your oral health and receiving a new smile, so a bit of discomfort is worth it. According to most patients, the recovery period is relatively short, and they reported that they experienced lesser pain than expected.

Are All-On-Four Dental Implants Comfortable?

Can I Talk/Eat Comfortably With All-On-4 Dental Implants?

This new set of permanent replacement teeth is custom-made by experienced lab technicians. They will sit comfortably in your mouth.

Implants are foreign objects in your mouth. Therefore, eating, talking, or pronouncing words may be challenging for you for the first few days or weeks, but you will get used to them gradually.

After getting used to your new teeth, you can talk normally, enjoy hot or cold foods, and taste their flavours with no difficulty.

What Are All-On-4 Dental Implants Advantages?

Replace your missing teeth and enjoy a complete smile with all-on-4 treatment in our dental clinic. Most patients choose all-on-4 dental implants and believe they are better alternatives to dentures.

Here’s why:


  • All-on-4 implants will significantly boost your confidence by restoring your broken smile.
  • Your new permanent teeth will look and feel like your natural teeth.
  • The treatment is excellent for worn-down teeth or teeth severely impacted by periodontal disease.


  • They are long-lasting solutions for missing teeth. You can expect your dental implants to last up to 10 to 15 years or even longer with proper care.


  • You will enjoy a better bite with all-on-4 dental implants.
  • You can expect an improved functionality of your jaw and teeth.
  • You can expect a full arch restoration with fewer implants used.

Easy Maintenance

  • You do not need to remove your natural-looking teeth to clean them. You can clean your dental implant just like you practise oral hygiene for your natural teeth.

Preventing Bone Loss

If not replaced, missing teeth can cause a sunken look over time. All-on-4 dental implant treatment will improve the health of your jaw, decrease the risk of the sagging jawbone, and prevents jawbone loss.

How Are All-on-4 Dental implants Different From Dentures?

The treatment process for installing dentures involves removing the remaining teeth to make space for the dentures. Your dentist will place the dentures directly on your gums which can cause discomfort and inconvenience.

On the other hand, all-on-4 dental implants won’t be pressed down on the gums; therefore, you will feel no irritation.

Removable dentures may fall or slip and need adhesives and glue to stay fixed. All-on-4 dental implants are fixed into your jawbone and will not move or fall as you talk or smile.

Over time, dentures can cause bone deterioration, while all-on-4 dental implants will preserve bone quality and prevent bone loss.

You will need to remove your removable dentures to clean them every day. Dentures must be soaked in a denture-soaking solution overnight to maintain their shape.

All-on-4 dental implants done in Brisbane are like your natural teeth and are secured in place.

While traditional dentures may be cost-effective, they are not as durable and strong as all-on-4 dental implants.

How Does All-On-4 Compare With Traditional Dental Implants?

The main difference between an all-on-4 procedure and traditional implants can be considered the number of implants required.

The patient will receive four implants per arch during all-on-4 treatment, while the dentist will use six to eight implants per arch for a traditional dental implant procedure.

Save time and money! A costly and invasive surgical procedure, Bone grafting is eliminated in all-on-4 treatment.

Can You Floss All-On-4 Dental Implants?

Yes, as long as flossing is done with extreme caution. Flossing vigorously or incorrectly can damage your gums. Some dentists may suggest water pick to get rid of food particles between your teeth or along the gum line.

You are recommended to ask for your dentist’s recommendation on how to floss your dental implants.

How Much Do All-On-4 Dental Implants Cost In Australia?

Several factors can affect the cost you need to pay for all-on-4 dental implants.

These factors include the number of teeth needed to be replaced, other dental work that the dentist needs to perform before your implant placement, and the material used for your dental implant.

In Brisbane, the cost of all-on-4 dental implants can be roughly between $20,000 to $27,000 per fixed arch. The cost usually includes the first consultation, the surgery, x-rays, and post-treatment reviews.

Will I Receive My Permanent Set Of Teeth The Same Day My Implants Are Placed?

After the first part of your oral surgery is completed and the titanium screws are inserted into your jawbone, you will usually receive a temporary set of teeth.

After your gum tissues are healed completely, the prosthesis will be removed, and a final set of permanent teeth will be screwed in place.

Remember that your body requires enough time to make new bone cells around the implants and keep them firm and secured.

Tell Me The Success Rates Of All On-4 Dental Implants?

The success rate of all-on-4 dental implant procedures is reported to be between 94 to 98%.

Tell me the post-operative instruction.

Avoid eating crunchy, hard, hot or cold foods for 6 to 8 weeks following your surgery.

Following a soft diet can significantly accelerate the healing time.

It is essential to stay away from cigarettes and other tobacco products. Read this article regarding avoiding mistakes when choosing all-on-4 dental implants

Did You Know?

We set up interest-free payment plans for our patients. So, no need to worry about the costs of your surgery.

Just give us a call or visit our dental clinic for your first consultation of All-On-4 Dental Implants.

Call Pure Dentistry on 07 3343 4869