General Anaesthesia Dentist Brisbane

General Anesthesia can be used to Facilitate Dental Treatment in Adult Patients with Special Needs
Dental treatment under General Anaesthesia (GA) is a fantastic feature of modern dentistry. GA is sometimes necessary for certain treatments or anxious patients. Before the GA, your anaesthetist will provide you with the required medication either by injection or through a mask, and you will quickly go off to sleep in preparation for the dental procedure by your dentist. A professional team of highly trained doctors and nurses will monitor the process throughout the treatment and recovery room.
General Anaesthetic Dentist in Brisbane (Sleep Dentistry)
GA Dentists work closely with anaesthetists in our trusted day hospital facilities. An anaesthetist is a specially trained doctor who provides medication that causes you to be temporarily unconscious. The patient would be asleep during the treatment and not feel anything during the procedure.

General Anaesthetic Dentist for Anxious Patients in Brisbane
Then dental treatment under GA may be a good option for these cases. Patients who have:
- Dental phobia
- Major dental anxiety
- Traumatic past experience with dental treatments
With GA, the patient would be in a state of complete unconsciousness. This state can last for up to several hours after treatment under GA.
Dental treatment under GA allows the dentist to work and provide dentistry to multiple sites at the same time. Working on multiple teeth is generally difficult or not possible using local anaesthesia. Patients usually go home the same day after treatment but they need an adult escort to accompany them during the treatment and eight (8) hours after.

Sleep Dentistry for Nervous Patient Dental Care
Sleep dentistry is a specialized form of dental care that provides a comfortable and stress-free experience for patients with dental anxiety or phobia. By utilizing general anesthesia, patients are put into a deep sleep during their dental procedure, ensuring they are completely unaware of the treatment. This approach particularly benefits those who might otherwise avoid dental care due to fear or past negative experiences. It allows them to receive the necessary treatment while minimizing any associated distress. Sleep dentistry in Brisbane is typically performed by a team of experienced dental professionals and anesthesiologists, who work together to ensure the patient’s safety and well-being throughout the procedure.
Recovery after Dental Treatment under General Anaesthesia
An Anesthetist provides anaesthesia under strict patient monitoring guidelines. These days, dental treatment under general anaesthesia is extremely safe, and the recovery is fast and comfortable.
The Cost of Dental Treatment under GA
The cost of the General Anaesthesia, the bed and required medications for the day would be charged directly by Hospital or the day surgery to the patient. The cost is charged either prior to the appointment or at the end of the visit. Some procedures are covered by the private insurance companies. It is best to contact the insurance coverage provider prior to commencing treatment to clarify the cost and gap.
Before Dental Treatment under GA
Please consider these general guides before treatment under GA.
- Clarify costs with the insurance company, the dentist, the hospital and the Anesthetist
- Bring an able-bodied escort to accompany you for the duration of the treatment
- Do not bring children or dependents with you. Your escort should be an adult
- You should be accompanied by an adult for eight (8) hours after discharge from the hospital.
- You need to fast six (6) hours prior to your procedure – no food no drinks, including water
- No sweets, chewing gum or juices for six (6) hours prior to your procedure
- Bring any medications you are currently taking
- Remove all makeup, nail polish, false nails and jewelleries
Before the procedures, your anaesthetist will meet in person to discuss your care. He or she will explain which type of
anaesthetic is recommended for you and the general risks involved with the procedure.
Escort for Dental Treatment under GA
You need to be accompanied by an adult escort for the duration of your dental treatment under GA and to accompany you at home for eight (8) hours post the procedure. The hospital may not proceed with the treatment if your escort is absent. Your escort should take you home and stay with you until the following day.

Plan your Dental Treatment under GA
- With a morning appointment (e.g. 7:00 am or 8:00 am), your last food or drink consumption must be before 2:00 am. People usually don’t have anything after going to bed the night before.
- With an afternoon appointment (e.g. 11:00 am or 12:00 am), your last food or drink consumption must be before 7:00 am.
It is recommended not to smoke 24 hours before your surgery. Smoking can affect the healing process of a wound in the mouth. You can consult with your GP on how to stop smoking for the treatment.
- Read the notes above about escort requirements.
- Do not use contact lenses during the treatment under GA. They can damage your eyes if they are left in your eyes during the procedure. You can wear your glasses.
- Bring your walking sticks or other mobility aids like walking frames that you usually use
- If you feel unwell on the day before your treatment under GA or if you develop a cold contact the hospital and advise them
- If you think you are pregnant please advise your care provider and the hospital for advice
- Have bath or shower on the morning of your surgery
Wear comfortable and loose clothing that allow your arms to be exposed.
- Comfortable shoes no heels
- Remove all make-up, removable piercings and nail varnish
- Remove skin lotion so our staff can monitor your skin colour and oxygen level during the procedure
- Leave all jewellery at home or any safe location – do not bring to hospital
- Please do not bring large suitcases as the space may be limited
- You can bring a book or magazine to read during your waiting time
An option to general anesthetic dentistry in Brisbane is twilight anesthetic dentistry.
After Dental Treatment under GA
Once the treatment is complete, you will be taken to the recovery room while you are still asleep. You will wake up in the recovery room. You may have an oxygen mask on your face. It is normal after GA treatment. The administration of oxygen helps with the recovery because oxygen helps with clearing the anaesthetic from the body.
It is normal if there is a fabric dressing in your mouth or some blood present when you have had teeth extracted. In the recovery room, the team will have your oxygen levels, blood pressure and pulse checked. It is normal to have a clip on your finger that monitors your body automatically.
Please consult with your GA dentist for any questions you may have. For children, sleep dentistry for children.