Sleep Dentistry in Brisbane

Pure Dentistry Sedation Dentists provide Sleep dentistry in Brisbane using general anesthesia. Highly-trained, experienced specialist anaesthetics provide the sedation in a closely monitored environment.

General anesthesia is a controlled state of unconsciousness where the patient feels nothing during the dental procedure. It also eliminates anxiety and discomfort associated with dental procedures.

Introduction to Sleep Dentistry

Sleep dentistry using General Anaesthetics is a practice that uses medication to put patients to sleep during dental procedures. General anesthesia (GA), induces a state of controlled unconsciousness. This approach is not for everyone but can be a game-changer for certain individuals.

Dr Raghed Bashour and Dr Sari Simawy provide Sleep Dentistry for Adults, and Dr Soha Sharif Provides Sleep Dentistry for Toddlers and very young children.

Implant Dentist in Brisbane Dr Raghed Bashour

Dr. Raghed Bashour

Experienced Cosmetic Dentist and Surgeon
Dr Sari Simawy Dentist Brisbane.

Dr. Sari Simawy

Dentist in Brisbane
Child-friendly dentist Brisbane

Dr Soha Sharif

Experienced Child Dentist in Brisbane

Dentistry for Children: In-Chair | Painless Dental Care for Kids Under General Anaesthesia

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Who Can Benefit from Sleep Dentistry

Individuals with Dental Phobia or Anxiety

Fear of dental procedures is common and can prevent people from seeking necessary care. General anesthesia can alleviate this fear by ensuring patients are unconscious and unaware during the procedure.

Compassionate dental care without judgment in Brisbane

Individuals with Special Needs

For those with physical or mental disabilities, sitting still for a dental procedure can be challenging. General anesthesia provides a safe way to receive necessary dental care.

What are the specific benefits of sleep dentistry using general anesthesia for individuals with special needs?

Sleep dentistry using general anesthesia offers specific benefits for individuals with special needs. Here are some of the advantages:

  1. Improved Comfort and Cooperation: Individuals with physical or mental disabilities may have difficulty sitting still or cooperating during dental procedures. General anesthesia ensures they are completely unconscious and relaxed, eliminating any discomfort or resistance they may experience.
  2. Reduced Anxiety and Fear: Dental visits can be overwhelming for individuals with special needs due to sensory sensitivities or communication challenges. General anesthesia allows them to bypass any anxiety or fear associated with the dental environment, ensuring a more relaxed and stress-free experience.
  3. Enhanced Safety: Some individuals with special needs may have difficulty understanding instructions or exhibit uncontrolled movements, increasing the risk of injury during dental procedures. General anesthesia ensures their safety by keeping them completely still and preventing accidental harm.
  4. Efficient Treatment: Dental procedures can often be time-consuming, especially when dealing with special needs patients. The dental team can work more efficiently with general anesthesia since the patient is unconscious and not likely to experience discomfort or resistance. This can help reduce the overall duration of the procedure.
  5. Comprehensive Dental Care: Individuals with special needs may require more extensive or specialized dental treatment. Dentists can perform many procedures in a single session with general anesthesia, including complex treatments, multiple wisdom teeth extractions, or oral surgery. This minimizes the need for multiple appointments and ensures comprehensive care.
  6. Reduced Traumatic Memories: Dental experiences that involve pain, fear, or discomfort can lead to lasting traumatic memories, making future dental visits even more challenging. Sleep dentistry with general anesthesia allows individuals with special needs to have a painless and anxiety-free dental experience, reducing the likelihood of developing negative associations with dental care.

It’s important to note that the decision to use general anesthesia should be made after thoroughly evaluating the patient’s specific needs and health conditions and in consultation with the dental care team. They can assess the individual’s suitability for general anesthesia and provide appropriate guidance to ensure the best dental care for individuals with special needs.

Special-needs-friendly dentist near me in Brisbane

Children or Adolescents with Severe Dental Fear or Behavioral Needs

Young patients with difficulty cooperating due to fear or behavioural issues can also benefit from general anesthesia, making the dental care experience safer and more comfortable for them and their caregivers.

Individuals Undergoing Extensive or Complex Dental Procedures

Procedures like multiple tooth extractions or oral surgery can be lengthy and stressful. General anesthesia can make these experiences more comfortable.

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How does the use of sleep dentistry benefit individuals who are undergoing extensive or complex dental procedures?

General anesthesia helps people who are having long or complicated dental treatments by making the experience more comfortable and less stressful. It works by putting the person to sleep, similar to when they’re having surgery at a hospital. During this deep sleep, they won’t feel anything and won’t be aware of what’s happening.

The benefits of general anesthesia for these types of dental procedures are:

  1. Pain-Free Treatment: General anesthesia ensures that the person won’t experience any pain during the procedure. They’ll be completely asleep and won’t feel the dental tools or discomfort.
  2. Reduced Anxiety and Fear: Complex dental procedures can be intimidating and cause anxiety. With general anesthesia, the person doesn’t have to worry or feel scared because they won’t be conscious or aware of what’s happening. It helps them relax and eliminates any fears they may have.
  3. Improved Focus and Efficiency: When a dental procedure is long or complicated, it requires a lot of concentration and precision from the dentist. General anesthesia allows the dentist to work more efficiently because the person is completely still and relaxed. This can help shorten the overall time needed for the treatment.
  4. Comprehensive Treatment in One Session: Some extensive procedures require multiple visits to the dentist. With general anesthesia, the dentist can complete all the necessary work in a single session while the person is asleep. It saves time, eliminates the need for multiple appointments, and ensures everyone receives all the required dental care simultaneously.
  5. No Unpleasant Memories: People may have unpleasant memories or anxiety related to past dental experiences. They won’t remember anything about the procedure with general anesthesia because they were asleep. It helps prevent the formation of negative associations with dental visits, making future appointments less daunting.

It’s important to discuss the use of general anesthesia with the dentist or oral surgeon to understand the potential risks and benefits specific to each individual. They will assess the person’s health and the complexity of the dental procedure and make an informed decision to provide the best possible care while ensuring safety and comfort.

Individuals with a Strong Gag Reflex

A strong gag reflex can interfere with dental procedures. General anesthesia can suppress this reflex, making dental treatment more efficient.

Managing gag reflex during dental procedures with sedation

Individuals with Certain Medical Conditions

Conditions like Parkinson’s disease or cerebral palsy can cause uncontrolled movements that interfere with dental procedures. General anesthesia can help manage these movements.

For what medical conditions sleep dentistry using general anesthesia is typically required?

Sleep dentistry using general anesthesia can particularly benefit patients with certain medical conditions that make traditional dental procedures challenging. Here’s a list of specific medical conditions where general anesthesia in dentistry is often considered:

  1. Parkinson’s Disease: This condition can cause tremors and uncontrolled movements, making it difficult for patients to stay still during dental procedures.
  2. Cerebral Palsy: Similar to Parkinson’s, cerebral palsy can cause muscle spasms or involuntary movements that can interfere with dental procedures.
  3. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Some individuals with autism may have difficulty with sensory processing, including discomfort with the sounds, tastes, and sensations associated with dental procedures. They may also have difficulty staying still for extended periods.
  4. Down Syndrome: Individuals with Down syndrome may have certain physical characteristics, such as a smaller oral cavity or larger tongue, that can make dental procedures more challenging. They may also have difficulty understanding and cooperating during dental procedures.
  5. Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia: Patients with cognitive impairments may not understand the need for dental procedures and may become agitated or distressed.
  6. Severe Anxiety Disorders: While not a physical condition, severe anxiety disorders, including dental phobia, can make dental visits extremely stressful. In these cases, general anesthesia may be considered to help the patient relax and ensure the procedure can be performed safely.
  7. Developmental Disorders: Other developmental disorders, such as ADHD, can make it difficult for patients to sit still during a dental procedure.
  8. Epilepsy: For patients with epilepsy, the stress of a dental procedure could potentially trigger a seizure. Using general anesthesia can help manage this risk.
  9. Certain Genetic Disorders: Certain genetic disorders, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, can affect the body’s connective tissue and may require special considerations during dental procedures.
  10. Severe Gag Reflex: While not a disease, a severe gag reflex can make dental procedures difficult and uncomfortable. General anesthesia can help manage this issue.

It’s important to note that the decision to use general anesthesia should be made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the patient’s overall health, the specific dental procedure, and the potential benefits and risks. The decision should be made in consultation with the dentist or oral surgeon and, if necessary, the patient’s primary care physician or specialist.


While general anesthesia can be beneficial, it’s not without risks, such as nausea, vomiting, and in rare cases, brain damage or death. These risks are low, especially in healthy individuals, but they should be considered. It’s crucial to discuss your health history, current medications, and the nature of the procedure with your dentist or oral surgeon. They can help you weigh the potential benefits and risks to make an informed decision about your care.

General anesthesia for dental procedures

Conclusion: Wake Up When It’s Done

Sleep dentistry using general anesthesia can significantly improve the dental care experience for certain individuals. Discuss it with your dental care provider if you think you or a loved one could benefit from this approach. They can provide more information and help you make the best decision for your unique situation.

Book a Consultation Appointment to Discuss

Call us on (07) 3343 4869 to make a consultation appointment with our sedation dentists. This step is required to review the medical history and assess if sleep dentistry suits your conditions. Or book a consultation appointment online directly from the link above and below.

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